
Pink Lemonade is an upcoming artist from Mississippi, bringing a hypnagogic vibe wherever the music ends up. Pink is a multi-faceted artist, making everything from ear-damaging rage to quiet small room indie. Gatekeep Pink Lemonade while you still can.

Pink Lemonade first released the debut mixtape "Pink Everything" in 2019 at age 17, proving that he is a real geeker. This record was followed by "Road to Fame" in 2020. Pink then slowed down because this one wasn't really that good. Honestly needed to have his heart broken.

Pink is currently working on his new album "WOLVES AT THE DOOR DOGS IN THE STREET", which will release during summer 2024, hence the website. Pink also codes and designs his own website, which is why it looks so good. I'm going to college for this shit.